
The ObjectRecord domain object is used to transport Object Record information in and out of the API. The ObjectRecord domain object is a hierarchical structure containing some metadata fields. Here is a list of all fields that make up the ObjectRecord domain object:

Name Data Type Value Required Description
objectRecordId Integer 64-bit signed two’s complement YES Unique identifier for the Object Record
externalId String Max. 200 characters NO Unique identifier for used outside of eHive
objectUrl String Max. 200 characters NO A URL to the Object Record on the eHive website
slug String Max. 1000 characters NO The part of a URL which identifies a page using human-readable keywords
catalogueType String Max. 1000 characters NO An identifier describing the type of Object Record returned
metadataRights String Max. 200 characters NO The copyrights associated with the textual content of the Object Record
accountId Integer Max. 200 characters NO The unique identifier for the Account the Object Record belongs to
searchScore Float single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point NO A search relevance rating returned by SOLR. This rating is measured against the maxSearchScore returned by the ObjectRecordsCollection
fieldSets Array of FieldSet domain objects NO A collection of FieldSet domain objects
mediaSets Array of MediaSet domain objects NO A collection of MediaSet domain objects



Name Data Type Value Required Description
identifier String –  field set identifier Max. 40 characters NO Identifier for the particular FieldSet type
fieldRows Array of FieldRows domain objects NO A collection of FieldRows domain objects



Name Data Type Value Required Description
identifier String –  field set identifier Max. 40 characters NO Identifier for the particular MediaSet type
mediaRows Array of MediaRows domain objects NO A collection of MediaRows domain objects



Name Data Type Value Required Description
fields Array of Field domain objects NO A collection of Field domain objects



Name Data Type Value Required Description
media Array of Media domain objects NO A collection of Media domain objects



Name Data Type Value Required Description
identifier String – field identifier Max. 40 characters NO Identifier for the particular Field type
attributes Array of Attribute domain objects NO A collection of Attribute domain objects



Name Data Type Value Required Description
identifier String – field identifier Max. 40 characters NO Identifier for the particular Media type
attributes Array of Attribute domain objects NO A collection of Attribute domain objects



Name Data Type Value Required Description
key String  Max. 100 characters YES Unique identifier for the Object Record
value String, Integer, Float NO Unique identifier for used outside of eHive